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Rochelle Adamson Consulting

is a black and female owned business that strives to uplift the woman who wants to acquire financial literacy so that they can achieve financial success. 

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I'm Rochelle and I'm here to help you achieve the money wins of your dreams...even if you don't know what those are yet. I've navigated the obstacles that come on the road to debt freedom and along the way I've learned a lot. Now I'm ready to share it all with you. There's no reason that you can't overcome these too. My brand is all about helping you to win with the money you already have. So let's get started!

Rochelle Adamson Consulting is dedicated to supporting busy women and their families with the management of their finances. We are committed to not only helping our clients manage their monthly budget, but also dedicated to sharing knowledge to support them on their journey to financial freedom. Our goal is to coach, educate, and encourage clients who desire to achieve various personal financial goals. We are dedicated to helping clients increase their bank account, reduce their debt, and increase their credit score. 

Our promise is to always serve with excellence and integrity using a structured yet seamless system that keeps clients in line and on track while also developing good money management habits.  



Rochelle Adamson Budgets
Debt Confession Update | Another Debt Payment | Weekly Income Budget | Cash Stuffing

Debt Confession Update | Another Debt Payment | Weekly Income Budget | Cash Stuffing

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MY $200,000+ DEBT CONFESSION 2024

MY $200,000+ DEBT CONFESSION 2024

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Win with YOUR Money - My Story 

I had just opened the last bit of mail after a long, unfulfilled day at work. Of COURSE, it was all bills but the last piece really took the wind out my sails. It was a collection notice. How…HOW!? Here I was, a full-time director working in the medical field, living in a dual-income household with a lovely new bundle of joy…and I was at my lowest financially. I was embarrassed, drained and depressed. Why did it seem like the harder I worked, the more broke I felt? No amount of overtime would do the job and get us “over the hump”. 


Fortunately, I was married to the most patient man I knew. Even though he had tried to help me win with my money time and time again, I never took the “hints". I simply could not get used to life without a credit card in my hand. But at that moment, I knew that this was it…this was that “rock bottom” I heard people talk about so many times. They always say you know it when it happens. I don’t know who “they” is but they’re right.


First, I went to the source that I thought had the answers….YouTube lol. One of the 1st videos I ever watched was of a woman who, you guessed it, also worked in the medical field and had loads of debt. But she didn’t sound like how I felt. She was determined, a woman with a plan and all because she had read a book about paying off debt with a snowball. Well I didn’t know what a debt snowball was but I found out quickly. I read and watched anything I could get my hands on  in just a short weekend. The whole process of getting out of debt seemed extremely strict but I was down for the cause because I knew that I could take a lot of what I was learning about and use it as a sounding board to my success. I began right away. That was years ago. 


Hi! My name is Rochelle and I provide budgeting advice that ACTUALLY works. If you have ever felt like this, then know you are in the right place. You are NOT alone. There is help. There’s solutions. Life does not have to continue to be this way. This was my story years ago.


In July 2020, we became consumer debt-free. Later that same month, we sold our only car. Now we have a plan to be completely debtfree in 2023. Back in 2018, I began sharing my journey on my YouTube channel and my Instagram but people wanted more. They wanted to know the “how”…and not the physical how but the mental “how”, the “how do I get my family on board” how and so much more. That’s when I decided to start my own business that focused on achieving debt freedom. I have helped numerous people crush all their financial dreams and create new chapters in life that they never dreamed. And now, I want to help you too! 


I’ve been able to help women, couples & families navigate the road to debt freedom time and time again. Are you ready to win with your money? Today is the day. If you have been waiting for the push you needed to get started, THIS…IS…IT. Let’s tackle it all…Paycheck Budgeting, Savings, Debt Payoff, Credit Building, Beginner Investments, Retirement Setup…all of it…TOGETHER. Life brings different seasons. Let’s win in them all…newly married, new baby, new home, new job, job loss, divorce, retirement…all of IT….let’s win with YOUR money TODAY. Let’s do all the things that I’ve learned, tested and tried…that work…every…TIME. Let’s dive right in! Then you can REALLY live.

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Get Started Today!

You can schedule regular sessions or periodic check-ins depending upon your needs. You will have plenty of opportunities to get your personal finance questions answered.  Leading you to discover new ways of thinking about your money and your life.


Stay caught up on my latest videos here: income budgeting, debt payoff & net worth tracking, savings challenges, cash stuffing and more! 


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